From the Chair July 2017
The IAP2 Australasia Board has faced some challenges over the past 12 months but we remain committed to the ongoing provision of good service and care to our members and the IAP2 community. Our priority continues to be to develop the profession, ensuring the quality of our professional development products and identifying professional development and networking opportunities while making sure there is effective member communication and improving our members’ experience.
Over the past 12 months, IAP2 Australasia has secured partnerships and contributed to various projects to help advance the practice including Open State hosted by the SA Department of the Premier and Cabinet. We have also confirmed a partnership with the Next Generation Project through the University of Melbourne and contributed to the Open Government Partnership (OGP) and Australia and New Zealand’s’ development of National Action Plans. IAP2 Australasia’s involvement in this process has led to the inclusion of the core values as guiding principles in the OGP Participation and Co-creation Standards document.
Internationally, we are building a relationship with UNESCAP (United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific) to support learnings around community development and engagement in Southeast Asia. We are also an important part of discussions with other members and affiliates around the world about the future of IAP2 internationally and the best model to support that.
The Board has listened to feedback from members that we need to review how we are leading IAP2 Australasia and ensure our work is aligned to the IAP2 Core Values. We are keen for greater member involvement in developing the next iteration of our strategic plan and we are working on ideas for an engaging process that empowers members to decide what we should focus on next. The recruitment process for a new CEO to lead the next phase of our growth and development is underway and we look forward to welcoming a successful candidate in the near future.
We recognise that our members are the core of the organisation and always welcome your feedback. You are welcome to contact us anytime at We look forward to updating you on our activities each month via this newsletter.
Leanne Hartill
Board Chair