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Engagement profile high in LG

The profile of community and stakeholder engagement, and the need to complete quality processes, has never been higher, as evidenced at recent local government events in Australia and New Zealand.

Local government is the closest tier of government to the people, providing both the opportunity and the necessity to engage well. Local government across Australia and New Zealand is working hard at developing its people, processes and activating their communities, to provide a platform for quality engagement.

Recently at the Community Boards Conference in Methven, New Zealand, every speaker spoke of the need to engage well with their communities and stakeholders. Our own Board Member, Ray Tye and Relationships Manager, Darren Keenan spoke to over 120 representatives about the opportunities and benefits of engaging with their communities, along with some examples of recent and successful NZ engagement activities around earthquakes and housing.

Accolades to the Community Board Executive, they realised the benefits and opportunities to engage directly with youth, which has resulted in two positions being made available to youth representatives on the Community Board Executive, a first for them. IAP2 Australasia is supporting the two youth representatives with training in the Certificate in Engagement.

A fortnight ago, in Canberra, at the National General Assembly of the Australian Local Government Association, engagement was again a popular theme, especially amongst delegates. IAP2 Australasia hosted an exhibition booth, which was very well attended by delegates. Many came to ask how they could engage better, some to share “war” stories, and others to tell us about their successes.

Local government regularly features well in our own Core Values Awards.

Interestingly at this conference, other booth holders were also visitors to IAP2 Australasia, recognising that their own organisations activities would be enhanced via the integration of improved engagement strategies.

Engagement is alive and well in local government.