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New Curriculum 2023 FAQs

General Training FAQs

How do I view availability and register for training and events?
  1. To register for training or an event, you need to login to your profile, then browse the Training Calendar or Events Calendar.
  2. You need to ensure when you do register for training or events, you login under your own profile so that the training/event registration is recorded against your profile. And also so that accreditation sits with your profile.


How to register for events and training infographic

View availability of training and events

  1. You need to be logged in first to be able to view availability of courses.
  2. Once you are logged in, you can then view the availability on the Training/Event Calendars.
  3. If a course is full, you can join the waitlist –just click the button, and should we get a cancellation, we will contact the first person on the waitlist. Or alternatively, keep searching for a date which has availability.
What are my payment options for training and events?

Any purchases you wish to make through our IAP2 checkout, will require you to have your credit card handy for payment.

How do I view my training record?

Once you have logged in to the IAP2A portal, go to 'My Activities' (Top Navigation Bar – or under More), from here you can view your activity.

How to check training record infographic


How can I reference my achievement?

Upon completion of the Certificate of Engagement, participants are entitled to receive a Certificate of Completion from IAP2 Australasia, and whilst this provides the opportunity to inform others that you have achieved or completed the IAP2 Australasia Certificate of Engagement, you are unable to use the terms “accredited”, “certified” or “endorsed” regardless of IAP2 membership level or training undertaken.



When should I register for the training?

We recommend registering for training at your earliest convenience. Your place at training is confirmed upon payment of your invoice 5 working days prior to the training date.

What if I register and then I need to change/cancel my registration?

Registration Transfer

If your invoice remains unpaid 10 working days prior to the event or training session, IAP2 Australasia reserves the right to transfer your registration to another participant.

Cancellation Policy

You may cancel or change your reservation up to 10 working days before the scheduled date without incurring a cancellation fee. Cancellations or changes made after this period will incur a fee equal to the registration cost.

Cancellation, Changes and Non-Attendance for Training/Events

Within 10 working days of the scheduled training or event, the following policy applies:

  • Replacement Participant: If a replacement meeting the pre-requisite requirements (if any) is found, no cancellation fee will be charged, provided the replacement complies with this policy.
  • No Replacement: No refund will be issued.
  • Non-Attendance: No refund will be provided.

Extenuating Circumstances Policy

IAP2 Australasia considers applications to waive cancellation fees under extenuating circumstances. Acceptable circumstances typically include illness, personal or family emergencies, and religious holidays. Documentation may be required to support such claims. Conflicts due to job interviews, career pursuits, personal or professional commitments, or travel do not qualify for a waiver.

Special Provisions for Public Face-to-Face Training/Events

For public face-to-face training or events within 10 working days, the following extenuating circumstances policy applies:

  • Replacement Participant: No cancellation fee will apply if a compliant replacement is found.
  • 10 Working Days Prior: 70% of the full registration fee will be refunded.
  • 5 to 9 Working Days Prior: 50% of the full registration fee will be refunded.
  • Less than 5 Working Days: No refund available, substitution only.
  • Non-Attendance: No refund for non-attendance.

IAP2 Australasia reserves the right to adjust these policies as necessary and will communicate any changes as they occur.

Can I tentatively hold a place?

Unfortunately we do not tentatively hold places for people. You need to register for a course to secure a place.

Are there any discounts available?

The main discount available for training is the member pricing, which is only available to financial members of IAP2 Australasia.

However, charities and not-for-profits may be eligible for either the Discounted Training Rates for Charities or the Nurture Engagement scholarship program.

How do I receive my certificate?

You will receive a digital certificate of attendance for each module. Once you have completed the IAP2 Australasia Certificate of Engagement, you will receive a digital copy of the certificate at the end of the month of completion. 

Do I have to complete Essentials of Engagement first?

Essentials of Engagement is the prerequisite for the Certificate of Engagement. It’s the foundation for Apply Engagement Methods and Design and Plan Engagement. You do need to complete Essentials of Engagement before moving onto these modules or any of the electives.


Do I have to attend all sessions for each course I’m enrolled in?

Please refer to the Satisfactory Completion of Course requirements section of our Terms, or, to the specific registration Terms and Conditions for your nominated course.

Is there a prerequisite for the elective courses?

You will need to complete Essentials of Engagement prior to completing any elective courses.

Virtual Delivery FAQs

Zoom troubleshooting: How can I fix my sound?


  • Expand the Audio icon and open the Audio settings
  • Click speaker option and test speaker
  • Once testing, if you still cannot hear, then adjust the volume or select a different speaker from the menu

iOS/Android Device:

  • Ensure your speaker is turned on
  • Adjust your volume accordingly on your volume buttons
  • Try Headphones
  • Reset your device
  • Re-Install the Zoom app from the Apple App or Google Play store

Troubleshooting Speaker:

  • Open Audio Settings
  • Select 'Test speaker' and if you cannot hear it, select a different speaker from your menu or adjust volume.

Troubleshooting Microphone:

  • Open Audio Settings
  • In the microphone section, the green input level bar will move when Zoom is picking up Audio.Inside Audio settings you can select another microphone or adjust the input level.
Zoom troubleshooting: How can I fix my Video?


  • Make sure all other programs that use your webcam are closed
  • Restart the computer or Laptop
  • Reinstall latest Zoom version in the Download Centre
  • You can also visit your device brand’s support for FAQ’s.

iOS/Android Device:

  • Ensure you have checked by tapping the camera icon top of screen for front and back cameras
  • Ensure no other open apps are using the camera
  • Open iOS/device settings and confirm Zoom has camera access
  • Toggle Zoom access to green

If issues persist, then

  • Reset your device
  • Delete the Zoom app and re-download latest version in the app store
  • Double check to ensure the video is working in other apps

If you cannot see the video opening in Zoom, open the video menu to see which camera is currently selected, change if necessary. If a change is required, verify the preferred camera is listed and selected.

Zoom troubleshooting: What Happens If I lose Connectivity?

Don’t panic!

We encourage you to connect from a location with the highest speed internet you have access to.

You can try moving closer to your WIFI connection.

You can try restarting your computer and re-joining the meeting if you are able to.

You can use your phone or other device data if available, as a back-up device. It is encouraged that you have a back-up option available prior to the commencement of your training session.

We understand that sometimes technology can go awry and cannot be fixed on the day. If you are unable to resolve any tech problems please contact us at training@iap2.org.au and we will do our best to help.

How safe is Zoom to use in IAP2 Meetings and Training?

IAP2 Australasia have chosen to use Zoom as our “virtual meeting room” platform for our training, meetings and events. In fact, IAP2 Australasia has used Zoom for several years now for many of our activities, due to the geographical spread of our Directors, Trainers, team members, working groups and participants across Australia and New Zealand.

Like you, we have heard in the news the security concerns being raised surrounding the use of Zoom – such as unwanted guests crashing meetings with unwanted content.

Of course, we value the security of our participants, and so IAP2 Australasia, in light of these reports, have researched the safety of using Zoom.

Here we share what we have found and also outline the measures and checklists we have put into place to make our Zoom meeting rooms as secure as possible. Our aim is not to make any definitive claims about the safety of Zoom, but to help provide you with information and share what we have found.

We will continue to keep up to date with the various measures that Zoom is taking to tighten up the security of the platform, and have collated a list of links and releases from Zoom which address various concerns that you, or your IT department, may have.

What are the security issues, and why do they happen?

The number of daily users of Zoom exploded from 10 million to 200 million from December to March, and many reports of trolls crashing meetings and flashing unwanted content emerged. There were also reports of leaked emails and bugs that may have allowed hackers to access webcams, and that Zoom was sharing information with third parties.

It would appear that many of the security issues publicised lately has been caused by security features of Zoom (such as password access) not being put in place by the meeting organiser.

For example, a lot of the press around "Zoom Bombing" is occurring where users hadn’t secured their meeting rooms correctly and made them publicly available to join.

From what we can see, Zoom have responded quickly to continue the upgrade of security, putting all other development on hold. Zoom have been publishing security upgrades over the last few weeks and are continuing to do so. Regular users of Zoom will have noticed these updates with fixes happening over recent weeks.

Before using Zoom

The first thing to do, before each Zoom meeting, is to make sure you are using the latest version of Zoom which will include the current security fixes.

You can do this by:

What IAP2 Australasia is doing

Here at IAP2A we have been reviewing all the settings for our own Zoom account and have implemented all the security features available to minimise security issues for all of our meetings, trainings and events.

IAP2 staff, who are responsible for hosting our online events, follow a checklist of settings and processes to maximise security for our meetings and participants.

In particular, our Zoom meetings will have the following in place, to minimise any potential problems:

  • IAP2A meetings and trainings will be password protected to stop Zoom-bombing opportunities,
  • Only registered participants or invited guests will be admitted into meetings and trainings,
  • Meetings will be locked once all participants have been admitted to stop unauthorised access.

For more information, feel free to contact IAP2 Australasia at info@iap2.org.au.

You may also find the links below helpful as these outline how Zoom has been addressing security concerns and applying fixes as these concerns arise.

Links and further reading
Important update to Zoom admins: 29 April 2020

On May 30th, 2020, Zoom will enable GCM encryption across the entire Zoom platform, providing increased protection for meeting data. After May 30, 2020, all Zoom clients on older versions will receive a forced upgrade when trying to join meetings as GCM Encryption will be fully enabled across the Zoom platform. Please begin updating all your clients to Zoom 5.0 now. Zoom admins, visit our 5.0 IT administrator page for more detailed instructions on updating your endpoints to ensure they will be able to support GCM encryption once we cutover on May 30.

Zoom Encryption

As at 1 April 2020, Zoom advised that they have corrected the issue with Windows and Zoom that introduced a potential security fault: https://blog.zoom.us/wordpress/2020/04/01/facts-around-zoom-encryption-for-meetings-webinars/

Where to Download the Latest Version of Zoom


Zoom’s Security Page


How to Avoid Zoom Bombing


Other Zoom Links:

For a more detailed overview of Zoom’s security policies, please refer to Zoom’s 'Security White Paper' available to download here: https://zoom.us/docs/doc/Zoom-Security-White-Paper.pdf

Download a copy of IAP2 Australasia's Zoom Safety in IAP2 Meetings and Training document.
Can I register for IAP2 Australasia digital training hosted in another country?

Yes! You can attend New Zealand training if you are located in Australia, and vice versa. Note that the training price charged will be in the currency of the time zone the training proceeds in.

For example, if you are in Australia, but booking into digital training held in a NZ time zone then the fee will be processed in New Zealand dollars and your credit or debit card statement will show the amount in Australian dollars based on the exchange rate of your card provider.

What time zones are training held in?

The majority of digital training run by IAP2 Australasia is held in Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST) but you can find additional time zones scheduled on our website with the following legend;

NZST- New Zealand Standard Time

AWST – Australian Western Standard Time (WA)

ACST- Australian Central Standard Time (SA, NT)

AEST – Australian Eastern Standard Time (NSW, VIC, QLD, ACT, TAS)

10 Things You Can Do To Secure Zoom Meetings
 The following information, published by tech news site, ZDNet, may also be helpful if you are running your own Zoom meetings:

1. Password protect your meetings

The simplest way to prevent unwanted attendees and hijacking is to set a password for your meeting. Passwords can be set at the individual meeting, user, group, or account level for all sessions. In order to do so, first sign in with your account at the Zoom web portal. If you want to set up a password at the individual meeting level, head straight over to the "Settings" tab and enable "Require a password when scheduling new meetings", which will ensure a password will be generated when a meeting is scheduled. All participants require the password to join the meeting. Subscription holders can also choose to go into "Group Management" to require that everyone follows the same password practices.

2. Authenticate users

When creating a new event, you should choose to only allow signed-in users to participate.

3. Join before host

Do not allow others to join a meeting before you, as the host, have arrived. You can enforce this setting for a group under "Account Settings."

4. Lock down your meeting

Once a session has begun, head over to the "Manage Participants" tab, click "More," and choose to "lock" your meeting as soon as every expected participant has arrived. This will prevent others from joining even if meeting IDs or access details have been leaked.

5. Turn off participant screen sharing

No-one wants to see pornographic material shared by a Zoom bomber, and so disabling the ability for meeting attendees to share their screens is worthwhile. This option can be accessed from the new "Security" tab in active sessions.

6. Use a randomly-generated ID

You should not use your personal meeting ID if possible, as this could pave the way for pranksters or attackers that know it to disrupt online sessions. Instead, choose a randomly generated ID for meetings when creating a new event. In addition, you should not share your personal ID publicly.

7. Use waiting rooms

The Waiting Room feature is a way to screen participants before they are allowed to enter a meeting. While legitimately useful for purposes including interviews or virtual office hours, this also gives hosts greater control over session security.

8. Avoid file sharing

Be careful with the file-sharing feature of meetings, especially if users that you don't recognize are sending content across, as it may be malicious. Instead, share material using a trusted service such as Box or Google Drive. At the time of writing, Zoom has disabled this feature anyway due to a "potential security vulnerability."

9. Remove nuisance attendees

If you find that someone is disrupting a meeting, you can kick them out under the "Participants" tab. Hover over the name, click "More," and remove them. You can also make sure they cannot rejoin by disabling "Allow Removed Participants to Rejoin" under the "Settings: Meetings - Basic" tab.

10. Check for updates

As security issues crop up and patches are deployed or functions are disabled, you should make sure you have the latest build. In order to check, open the desktop application, click on your profile in the top-right, and select "Check for updates."





Face-to-Face Training FAQs

What time does the training start and finish?

8:45am for a 9am start and finish at 4:45pm.

What time zones are training held in?

All face-to-face training is held in the time zone of the training location.

Do I need to bring anything to the training?

You don’t need to bring anything along to training. A manual, notepad and pen will be provided in the training room for you. You can of course bring your own notepad if you wish.

Can I register for face-to-face training held in another country?

Yes! The training price will be charged in the currency of the country the training is held in.

If booking face-to-face training held in New Zealand with an Australian credit card for example, we will process the NZ price and your credit or debit card statement will show the amount in Australian dollars based on the exchange rate of your card provider.

What should I wear?

There is no dress code for our training. We recommend you wear something comfortable as you will be sitting and moving around the training room throughout the day. If in doubt we suggest semi-casual work wear. 

Dietary requirements

If you have any dietary requirements please notify our Training Administration Coordinator a minimum of three working days before the training to ensure your requirements can be provided. 

Can I book accommodation with my training?

Please note IAP2 Australasia is unable to arrange or recommend accommodation.

In-House Training FAQs

Does IAP2 offer training in-house?


How many people do we need?

The training works best when you have a minimum of 10 participants. You can have a maximum of 20 participants for virtual delivery, or 25 participants for face-to-face delivery.

What modules are available in-house?

All of our training modules can be delivered in-house. This includes all the modules from the IAP2A Certificate on Engagement.

Where can we hold in-house training?

IAP2 delivers in-house training almost anywhere in Australia and New Zealand. We will work with you to bring the training to your organisation, so that your team can train together.

If you are in a regional area and don’t have enough participants, please contact us and we will work with you to link other groups/participants to bring about the training in your region.

How much does in-house training cost compared to public training?

Depending on the number of participants, the in-house training is generally more cost effective than sending your participants to training. There are even more savings where you would normally need to send your staff to training, saving you the cost of travel and accommodation.

How do we get a proposal for in-house training?

Please contact us via email at info@iap2.org.au or by phoning: (AU) 1300 436 424 or (NZ) 0800 436 424.