IAP2 International Webinars
IAP2 Australasia members have access to a range of international webinars. Check out the content below, remember to log in to be able to view.
2021 International Webinars
2020 International Webinars
- Evaluating P2 to address historic disenfranchisement and empower communities
- A How-to … Effective facilitation using Zoom
- Online engagement masterclass
- Beyond inclusion – equity in public engagement
- Applying human-centered design to your P2 strategy
- Making inclusionary P2 part of the organisational structure
- Talking to planners and engineers about P2 with Kylie Cochrane
- 2019 Core Values Awards Organisations of the year – USA and Canada
2019 International Webinars
- Understanding Indigenous identity
- What makes a top-notch project? Learn from the best of 2019
- Not just dragons: a model for inclusive engagement with communities of colour
- Engaging the rumour mill
- Youth shaping cities
- Creating communities and P2 roadmaps
- Visual engagement
- Reconciliation and P2
- Large-scale P2 for large-scale projects
- Why are these people yelling at me? Understanding outrage and opposition
- Diversity and inclusion
2018 International Webinars
- Digital engagement round-table
- Prevent truth decay
- Facilitation agility: off the rails but still on track
- Brave, honest conversations – what they are and how to have them
- Building P2 in your organisation
- Public transportation and public participation
- Participatory systems change
- Beyond inclusion
- Our community could blow up – do we have time for some quick consultation?
- 2017 Core Values Awards – project categories
- Handling emotion and outrage
- Digital engagement panel
2017 International Webinars
- Beginning with the brain in mind
- Denver encore
- 2017 Core Values Awards Organisation of the year
- Understanding the squishy stuff and are we smarter together?
- Is your organisation P2-centric?
- Facilitation matters
- Duh, make it interesting!
- Creativity, innovation and the greater good
- Respect for diversity, inclusion and culture, Core Values Awards winners
- Making engagement meaningful with P2 toolkits
- Participatory budgeting with Shari Davis and Luc Richard
2016 International Webinars