Guidelines for Use of IAP2 Materials
Guidelines for Use of IAP2 Australasia Copyright Protected Materials.
IAP2 Australasia has developed a framework that provides access to key models and resources together with clear acknowledgement and referencing to IAP2 Australasia. This enables us to continue contributing to advancing and strengthening the practice whilst also protecting the use of our IP and the sustainability of IAP2 Australasia. Our approach is one of evolution and continuing professionalisation of both the engagement sector and IAP2 Australasia. The proposed IAP2 Australasia IP framework provides a stronger guidance to those wanting to reference IAP2 Australasia’s IP.
IAP2 Australasia will make available on request the below IAP2A materials for downloading:
- IAP2 Community Engagement Model
- Evaluation Framework (IAP2 Quality Assurance Standard for Community and Stakeholder Engagement)
- IAP2 Practice Framework
- IAP2 Australasia Methods Matrix (condensed version)
- Other (on request)
IAP2 Australasia requires that an appropriate and clear acknowledgement of IAP2 Australasia as the owner of the copyright in the IAP2A Material be included in all cases of third-party uses of the IAP2A Materials.
When a request to access and use the IAP2A Materials is made, the requesting party will be required to agree to terms and conditions of use of the IAP2A Materials before a licence will be granted. IAP2 Australasia will consider the proposed use of the IAP2A Materials details in each request. If IAP2 Australia considers that the proposed use is not appropriate, IAP2 Australasia may decline the request in its absolute discretion as the copyright owner of the IAP2A Materials.
Set out below is an example of the attribution text which IAP2 Australasia requires be included in all cases of third-party uses of the IAP2A Materials, as well as some examples of what IAP2 Australasia considers as acceptable and unacceptable use of the IAP2A Materials. IAP2 Australasia will provide the resources inclusive of the appropriate attribution text and originating date.
Example of proper attribution
© International Association for Public Participation Australasia Limited (IAP2 Australasia) 2014-2024. Use of this material is subject to the terms and conditions of the licence granted by IAP2 Australasia.
Examples of acceptable use
IAP2 Australasia’s IP (including the IAP2A Materials above) can be referenced and used in:
- Policy documents;
- Internal organisation documents;
- Information only (websites);
- Bids and tenders (see below table): and
- Personal (non-commercial) use.
Examples of unacceptable use
IAP2 Australasia’s IP (including the IAP2A Materials) is not to be used for:
- any commercial gain or use; or
- training or educational course materials (other than citing the IAP2A Materials as a reference).
Dos and Don’ts
The below table portrays how to use and not use the IAP2A Materials.
Do Use in | Don’t Use in |
Internal documents incl. intranet. | Charge a fee for payment for the IAP2A materials. |
Websites that are for information only. | Include in any documents that a payment is required. |
Personal use that is non-commercial and won’t be published externally. E.g. PPT presentations | Training or educational course materials without the appropriate attribution to IAP2A. |
Tenders and Proposals to assist in winning projects as long as appropriately referenced. | Documents where there is a commercial gain or charge a fee for payment for the IAP2A materials. |
Training or educational purposes – to explain to students the IAP2A Materials concepts with correct attribution. | |
Government policy documents |
Permission for Use
Written permission is required from IAP2 Australasia, as the owner of the IAP2A Materials, and a licence must be granted by IAP2 Australasia prior to a third party proceeding to use, copy or reproduce the IAP2A Materials. To seek permission, please complete the form below.
It should be clearly understood that any use of the IAP2A Materials without permission or proper attribution is considered by IAP2 Australasia to be unethical and unacceptable, and may infringe on IAP2 Australasia’s intellectual property rights.
Lastly, in a case where a third party wishes to modify the IAP2A Materials and prepare adaptations to suit that party’s needs, IAP2 Australasia will review the request carefully, consult with the authors of this work when necessary, and inform the third party of its decision.
IAP2 Australasia maintains a record of all those individuals, organisations and institutions whom it grants permission to access and use the IAP2A Materials. IAP2 Australasia encourages all third parties to seek the necessary permissions at the earliest possible opportunity.
To Request Permission
To use, copy or reproduce any or all of the IAP2A Materials, you are required to submit a written request. Kindly complete the form below and submit it to IAP2 Australasia for consideration.
For any other requests or questions, please contact us at
If you require either the IAP2 Core Values, IAP2 Code of Ethics or IAP2 Spectrum of Public Participation models, please proceed to the IAP2 International website to comply with their guidelines.