IAP2 Australasia Webinars
Exploring the Impact of AI on Engagement Practice
Didn’t make it to our recent webinar, Exploring the Impact of AI on Engagement Practice? Now’s your chance to catch up on the conversation that’s transforming the future of community engagement.
This insightful session with Julian Moore and Dr Robyn Cochrane dives into the key findings from our latest thought leadership paper, exploring how AI is reshaping engagement practices across the sector. From enhancing participation to driving transparency, the webinar unpacks practical ways AI can support more meaningful and inclusive engagement.
IAP2 Australasia members, log in and watch the recording here.
Cumulative Impacts and Super Diversity Webinar
Rewatch our recent webinar with the ANU I2S team, who took us on an evidence-based journey through the trials and opportunities of engaging communities around major infrastructure projects. Watch to learn how to create social value and manage risk in an increasingly complex environment.
IAP2 Australasia members, log in and watch the recording here.
Groundbreakers and Transparency Makers: the Role of Engagement in ESG
IAP2A CEO Marion Short has appeared in a webinar with Sally Hussey and a panel of esteemed experts to discuss our third thought leadership paper, “Groundbreakers and Transparency Makers: the Role of Engagement in ESG”.
Panel: Sally Hussey (author of our new thought leadership paper), Helen Leayr, Leigh Moran, Kate Kernaghan, Donna Groves and our CEO, Marion Short.
IAP2 Australasia members, log in and watch the recording here.
Influencing Political Decision-Makers
Discover invaluable insights, gain expert perspectives, and delve into the world of influencing political decision-makers.
Panel: Sally Hussey (author of our new thought leadership paper), Louise Crossman, Director at Counsel House, Aimee Brock, National Engagement & Business Improvement Manager at Waka Kotahi New Zealand Transport Agency, Alistair Kingston, Executive General Manager, RPS and our CEO, Marion Short.
IAP2 Australasia members, log in and watch the recording here.
IAP2A Engagement Leadership Series webinar: Leading deliberation – taking the next steps
Victoria’s Local Government Act was updated in 2020 and required councils to use deliberative engagement when developing their key strategic documents which are all due over 2021/22. This has meant that all 79 councils across Victoria used deliberative engagement in the last 12 months, many for the first time.
This webinar debriefs on this revolution in council engagement. What did they learn, what worked, what didn’t, what insights can we all take forward to improve our engagement practice?
IAP2 Australasia members, log in and watch the recording here.
IAP2A Engagement Leadership Series webinar: Learnings from the Pandemic
Desley Renton, member of our former IAP2 Ambassador program and Past President and Nicola Mendleson, IAP2 Australasia Trainer, bring together engagement leads from across the Australian health sector to share what they have learned and what works, what the challenges are and how have they have overcome them.
The speakers reflect on their experience of the very best recent examples of engagement in the health sector in Australia and what they feel have been the MOST innovative.
Discussion focuses on how engagement practitioners can best prepare for engaging in the COVID-era by incorporating practical learnings from the health sector into our day-to-day practice.
IAP2 Australasia members, log in and watch the recording here.
Keep on engaging: Show What Matters™
Community engagement leaders struggle with how to:
- Involve people who are ‘hardly reached’.
- Appeal to young people.
- Engage authentically with people whose first language is not English.
- Extend the conversation with people who weren’t ‘in the room’ but who are keen to contribute.
- Overcome constraints of face-to-face engagement in a COVID world.
Jacinta Cubis and Cindy Lenferna de la Motte, Head of Customer and Community at Harvest, share a process that helps people to share their lived experience through photography. We don’t just have to ask people what they think, but instead, ask them to share photos that show what they think.
Recap their conversation about Show What Matters™. It uses phones, photos, and a digital platform to help organisations engage more broadly and deeply with their communities.
IAP2 Australasia members, log in and watch the recording here.
Keep on engaging: Tips for the Core Values Awards 2021
Are you preparing an entry for the IAP2 Australasia 2021 Core Values Awards? Recap on this webinar presented by last year’s judges Anne Pattillo, Clare Murrell and Leisa Prowse, along with winner Alicia Pickering from Melbourne Water. Plus Emanuela Savini from the IAP2A Research Working Group will step you through the Case Study Template which forms the new entry template for those entering Project of the Year.
Aimed at members preparing submissions for the Core Values Award, topics include:
- Overview of the submission and judging process
- The new Case Study Template
- Common pitfalls to avoid
- What makes a winning entry stand out
- What sort of evidence to include
- Tips and tricks from our past winners
Keep on engaging: Unstuck with Suzy Jacobs
As well as being a professional speaker, Suzy is an in-demand coach, and in this webinar she shares her strategies on how to move from feeling stuck and disillusioned to empowered and unstoppable.
Suzy takes us through:
- Identifying the intellectual, emotional & physical barriers to creating harmony with self, others and the planet.
- Exploring the paradox of choice and unpacking the assumptions that keep people unhappy, unfulfilled and under-performing.
- Understanding the mechanics of constructing a world view and how to reconstruct it to produce better outcomes.
- Choosing a universally applicable, self-first process for creating responsible, accountable communication.
IAP2 Australasia members, log in and watch the recording here.
Keep on engaging: Holding Space for High Emotion Conversations
You often hear the term “holding space” in the engagement field – but what does it really mean?
In times like these ones, fraught with polarisation, disconnection and the fear and anxiety that results from a global pandemic, how do you “hold space” for high emotion conversations?
Chief Stormrider and IAP2 International Trainer, Stephani Roy McCallum joins Kylie Cochrane in this very special webinar to explore what holding space requires from you and some tips on how to do it.
IAP2 Australasia members, log in and watch the recording here.
Demystifying Deliberative Engagement and the new Victorian Local Government Act 2020 – part 2
Part two of this online Q&A-style conversation provides practical information about deliberative engagement and how to adapt your approach to engagement to satisfy the new Victorian Local Government Act 2020.
- What is deliberative engagement
- What makes deliberative engagement different from engagement?
- Deliberative engagement in the context of the Victorian Local Government Act
- How to achieve deliberative engagement with lower budgets
- Building capacity for deliberative engagement in councils
- Insights from the field
- Key tips from the thought leaders/experts
- Max Hardy, Director, Max Hardy Consulting
- Emanuela Savini, Doctoral Student and Industry Fellow, Institute for Public Policy and Governance, UTS
- Georgie Meyer, Team Leader Community Engagement and Partnerships, City of Melbourne
Moderated by Amy Hubbard – Capire Consulting Group and IAP2 Australasia Director.
Demystifying Deliberative Engagement and the new Victorian Local Government Act 2020 – part 1
Part one of this online Q&A-style conversation provides practical information about deliberative engagement and how to adapt your approach to engagement to satisfy the new Victorian Local Government Act 2020.
- An overview of the relevant changes to the Victorian Local Government Act
- What the new legislation is aiming to achieve
- How to correctly align engagement with IAP2 principles (the IAP2 Spectrum and IAP2 Core Values)
- Where to find out more
- Hannah Duncan-Jones, Director Responsible for the Implementation of the Local Government Act 2020, Local Government and Suburban Development Group, Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions
- Sharon Redmond, Project Manager, Legislation Implementation, Local Government Victoria, Local Government and Suburban Development Group, Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions
Moderated by Amy Hubbard – Capire Consulting Group and IAP2 Australasia Director.
Keep on engaging:
COVID-19 Road to recovery, community engagement’s new normal
We’re all in this together! The catch phrase on everyone’s lips across the globe. But, now as we pave the road to recovery, where to from here? With our day-to-day lives interrupted both personally and professionally we need to discuss what does our new normal look like? In particular, for Community Engagement.
Our three guest speakers will be offering different perspectives from their unique experiences across industry, so by the end of our webinar we expect these shared insights will offer practitioners on trend information about the new normal and future landscape for community engagement practice.
- Amy Hubbard – Capire Consulting Group and IAP2 Australasia Director
- Hannah Tagore – Department of Premier & Cabinet, WA
- Nicola Mitchell – Inland Rail, Australian Track & Rail Corporation
Moderated by Kylie Cochrane: Director – IAP2 Australasia; Chair – IAP2 International and Managing Principal, Communication & Stakeholder Engagement – Australia and New Zealand, Aurecon.
IAP2 Australasia members, log in and watch the recording here.
Keep on engaging: #changinglives #keepingculture
This online Q&A-style conversation provides practical information about engaging with integrity in Aotearoa and, understanding and engaging with Aboriginal and Indigenous culture and community.
The panel shares insights and learnings to help break down the barriers to better engage with Aboriginal & Māori communities.
- Cain Slater – Kari Foundation – Connecting & Supporting Business and Individuals to be Champions of Change.
- Christine Ammunson – Te Taura Whiri | Te reo Maori – The Maori Language Commission
Moderated by Kylie Cochrane: Director – IAP2 Australasia; Chair – IAP2 International and Managing Principal, Communication & Stakeholder Engagement – Australia and New Zealand, Aurecon.
IAP2 Australasia members, log in and watch the recording here.
Keep on engaging: Sharing stories with Craig Foster
Engaging with with multicultural and minority communities.
We share stories with former international athlete, SBS presenter and human rights advocate, Craig Foster about his experience in engaging with multicultural and minority communities.. Craig provides insights into his own challenges and successes to help engagement practitioners understand and better connect with their communities.
Craig Foster, multiple Logie winner for excellence in sports broadcasting and human rights advocate, Bachelor of Laws, Masters International Sport Management, Member Australian Multicultural Council, social justice advocate and campaigner including #SaveHakeem to free a young Bahraini refugee from a Thai prison, #GameOver for the release of asylum seekers and refugee detainees and #PlayForLives to promote a humanitarian response from the sports industry to COVID-19, joins IAP2A’s webinar series: Keep on Engaging.
Moderated by Kylie Cochrane: Director – IAP2 Australasia; Chair – IAP2 International and Managing Principal, Communication & Stakeholder Engagement – Australia and New Zealand, Aurecon.
IAP2 Australasia members, log in and watch the recording here.
Keep on engaging: Keeping it human in COVID-19
An online Q&A-style conversation with practical information about current community sentiment and how to adapt your approach to engagement in the COVID-19 environment.
Our panel shares tips and insights on:
- Community sentiment right now and what people are thinking and feeling.
- How to work with people with heightened anxiety.
- Social distancing versus social isolation – how are people coping?
- What do we say once we reach our audience?
- Adjusting the messaging, tone and language.
- What about the timing, do we need to adjust?
- Breaking down barriers and building trust in communities, we are in this together!
- The role of engagers in connecting communities.
- Stu Reeve – Managing Director, Micromex Research & Consulting
- Louise Mitchell – National Consultant Disaster Recovery Social Recovery Reference Group (SRRG) C\- Emergency Management Branch Department of Health and Human Services
- Chloe Groser – NZTA Practice Manager Engagement and Communications at NZ Transport Agency
Moderated by Kylie Cochrane, Director – IAP2 Australasia; Chair – IAP2 International and Managing Principal, Communication & Stakeholder Engagement – Australia and New Zealand, Aurecon.
IAP2 Australasia members, log in and watch the recording here.
Keep on Engaging: Tips for Adapting in the Days of COVID-19
This webinar provides practical information on how you can keep engaging in the COVID-19 environment.
- How to adapt your engagement plans and strategies to digital or other approaches
- The role of engagers in connecting communities
- Looking to positive innovations in crisis
- Challenges of adapting to the digital space
- How to work with people with heightened anxiety
- Adam Smith, Director, Harvest Digital Planning
- Nicole Hunter, Co-founder and Director, MosaicLab
- Nathan Connors, IAP2 Australasia Director and Global Head of Client Services, Granicus
Moderated by Kylie Cochrane, IAP2 Australasia Director; Chair, IAP2 International and Managing Principal, Communication & Stakeholder Engagement – Australia and New Zealand, Aurecon.
IAP2 Australasia members, log in and watch the recording here. Non-members can access the webinar for $10 by emailing info@iap2.org.au
Lunch with an Ambassador
In 2016 IAP2 Australasia launched the first series of lunchtime webinars, titled “Lunch with an Ambassador”. Once a month, an IAP2 Ambassador is presenting on a topic of expertise. These were designed to build on the community engagement knowledge that already exists within the IAP2 community and make it more easily accessible.
- Community Engagement in the EIA Process with Margaret Harvie
- Shaping an Organisation to Engage with Vivian Warren
- Embracing Community Owned Solutions with Jan Taylor
- Processes that are rigorous, activities with purpose and dialogue and deliberation – what’s the difference anyway? with Lucy-Cole Edelstein
- How engagement has evolved over the last two decades with Vivien Twyford