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Strategic Review – Where are we at?

“People don’t buy what you do………..they buy WHY you do it.”
Simon Sinek

I want to start off with a huge thank you to everyone that has contributed to shaping the revised Strategic Plan. The passion, energy and contribution has been thoughtful, insightful, intelligent and very welcomed. We have had great feedback on the future priorities and we’ve had great feedback on what’s not currently working and the change you would like to see.

You have taken their time to contribute to surveys, attend workshops and participate in the conversations on LinkedIn. We’ve had lots of conversations – on the phone, at workshops and face-to-face. You’ve spoken to me, the team and to your board of Directors. These conversations and the process has produced a lot of information to collate, review and consider.

Before I go any further I want to go back to our WHY, which I have shared with you in an earlier newsletter.

We believe that all people have the human right to be engaged in all decisions that affect them.

This WHY statement was the starting point, our baseline, for the strategic review and it has led us on an interesting journey. It has shaped our conversations on our vision, our mission, our values, and what is at the very heart of our organisation.

So where are we at now?

The journey from our WHY statement, through your feedback and thoughts on future priorities, has given us our theme of Strengthening engagement, advancing practice. It has seen the original four proposed pillars revised into three pillars that reflect your priorities:

  1. Advocating for engagement
  2. Strengthening engagement
  3. Advancing professional development

The journey has provided some wonderful stories, history, insights and gold nuggets (which I am particularly excited about).

The journey has provided some wonderful stories, history, insights and gold nuggets (which I am particularly excited about).

All of this has now been collated onto a single page. One page, one theme, three pillars – each with five key objectives and each objective has a key measures.

The next steps

The draft Strategy on a page will be presented to the board at the February Board meeting, for their initial feedback. Following this, we will be consulting with you again. We are at a really exciting phase and I’m looking forward to your feedback – and delivering some real results for you.

I’m looking forward to the future, and feeling grateful for the past.