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From the CEO February 2018

“Being kind isn’t always easy. Or convenient. But it has the potential to change everything.”
Cap Watkins

I love the ‘Tales from the Trenches’ and I hope you do too. Each month, experienced P2 practitioners generously share their stories and learnings with us. Each of them has had a different path to Community and Stakeholder engagement – and like all of us – it shapes who we are and our belief system. This month’s P2 practitioners each resonated with me for different reasons. Jan Taylor and her ‘I fell in love with the challenge’ – I understand the attraction of challenge and the opportunity to make a positive difference – it drives me and I’m sure it drives each of you too. And Viv Warren’s three lessons, with lesson three being ‘Always choose the most generous explanation for why people do the things they do’ aligning with my life philosophies of being kind and grateful (not always easy or convenient).

It is only early in a new year, and the BIG work programmes are already underway. The Core Values Awards are now open and we are calling for members to join the working group for the 2018 IAP2 Australasia Conference being held on the Gold Coast. The conference theme is ‘Shake it up’ – and we are looking forward to shaking it up and providing a fresh and stimulating IAP2 Australasia Conference experience for you. Plus the NZ Symposium is just around the corner, being held in Wellington 24 May 2018.

The Strategic review is progressing well and I’m looking forward to sharing the draft with you towards the end of this month.

Lastly, I’m delighted to introduce our Leadership team to you. We are so fortunate to have been able to bring on board a talented and experienced team – and I’m looking forward to delivering on the new strategy with them.

Make February a great month