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Join a Local Network in your area!

Local Networks are an integral part of IAP2 Australasia’s offering, with over 16 active networks across Australia and New Zealand.

IAP2 Australasia is committed to supporting Community and Stakeholder Engagement Professionals by providing networking and professional development opportunities with other industry professionals in their local area.

Events range from casual coffee catch-ups, presentations from industry leaders to workshops and masterclasses.

We have Local Networks available in the following areas:

ACT Port Macquarie
Adelaide Brisbane
Cairns Hobart
Darwin Townsville
Melbourne Young Professionals
Newcastle Wellington
North East Boarder Network Auckland
Perth Christchurch

If you are keen to get connected with other professionals in your area through an already established network or would like to explore the opportunity to initiate a network in your area please contact events@iap2.org.au.