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From the CEO October 2017

“If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.”

Sir Isaac Newton

It has been a busy and inspiring first month with IAP2 and I am very grateful to all the members, ambassadors, trainers and partners that I have met or spoken with already. They have been so generous with their time, sharing with me the rich history of IAP2, the challenges and opportunities. They have been lifting me onto their shoulders so I can start to see the pathway to our future.

Our Forum ‘Engagement #nextlevel’ is another great opportunity to meet everyone – and it is just around the corner, Thursday 19 October in Melbourne. If you haven’t registered already – hurry up – it is a great opportunity to network and catch up with old and new friends, and make the most of the all the learning opportunities available throughout the day.

Then, of course, there is the Core Values Awards Gala Dinner – which I understand is a ‘not to be missed’ event and a highlight on our calendar.

Leanne Hartill (IAP2 Australasia Chair), Kylie Cochrane (presiding Chair of the IAP2 International Board) and I recently attended ‘Open State’ in Adelaide – we partnered with them for the ‘Hustle in the Hub’ event. Whilst there we hosted an intimate breakfast with Kyle Bozentko, IAP2 USA Board Member and Director of the Jefferson Center, on “When enough is enough: The future of community engagement when we’re all over-engaged”.

I hope you enjoy the reports from our IAP2 Australasian Scholarship recipients, who travelled to Denver to be part of the IAP2 International Conference. The attendees took away a renewed passion for engagement and they shared some highlights from the conference

I’d personally like to thank the nine candidates who stood for just three positions on the Board. Congratulations to our new Directors – I look forward to working with you.

Until next time – warm regards
