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From the CEO November 2017

“A wise person hears one word and understands two.”

Jewish proverb

It takes real skill to be a good listener, and it is a skill that I know I am always looking to improve. Some days are definitely better listening days than others. I love this Jewish proverb, and I think it is because it reminds me of the quest for 360 listening. That is listening to what is being said, how it is being said and also what is not being said. I feel like Don Quixote some days with this quest – but it is a noble and good quest.

You recently received an email from us recently inviting you to have your say on the best way to involve you in the development of the IAP2 Australasia Strategy 2018-2019.

The current IAP2 Australasia (IAP2A) Strategic Plan: 2014-2017 is about to expire. We have heard:

  • that there are a number of outstanding key strategic projects, including the updating of training modules, that need to be delivered;
  • you want us to advocate for the practice and pay more attention to academic status and pathways;
  • you want more focus on research; and
  • that you are keen that we get on with these projects now.

So far we have four overarching strategic goals, being:

  1. Delivering membership value;
  2. Advocating for engagement;
  3. Advancing professional development; and
  4. Supporting an international community.

We need to be sure that this aligns with your thoughts and we need your help to progress the details of the plan.

We have created a short survey to collect your thoughts on the consultation process. You can participate in the survey here. The survey will close at midday AEDT on Friday 10 November 2017.

I would like to extend my congratulations to the winners of the 2017 Core Values Awards. The calibre of entries continues to grow and I was privileged to celebrate with the winners at the Core Values Awards Dinner which wrapped up the Engagement #nextlevel Forum in October. Special congratulations go to Lake Macquarie City Council who won the Australasian and International Organisation of the Year Award.

In closing, I would also like to congratulate Jo Wilkins and Allen Rodwell who are our new Directors – I look forward to working with you.

Until next time – warm regards
