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Are you a young or emerging community and stakeholder

One of the key objectives in IAP2 Australasia’s 2018-2019 Strategic Plan is to encourage and support young professionals.

With this in mind, we are inviting young or emerging engagement practitioners to provide an expression of interest in joining a working group to help IAP2A co-design and develop a network especially for our newer practitioners.

We encourage engagement practitioners under the age of 35, or those with less than 5 years in engagement or related practice, who can be available for up to 20 hours to support the development of a new IAP2A network to apply to join the working group.

Email Cathy Moses, Membership Relations Manager on cathy@iap2.org.au, to express your interest in being involved in the IAP2 Australasia Young or Emerging Professionals Network by 30 June 2018.