Manage Conflict and High Emotion
Learn how to de-escalate conflict and turn it into constructive participation
The Manage Conflict and High Emotion course will help engagement practitioners de-escalate conflict, high emotion and outrage situations and develop them into constructive participation.
This course is one of the six elective courses available as part of the IAP2 Australasia Certificate of Engagement. You must complete the Essentials of Engagement course before enrolling in this or any other course.
This course is suitable for engagement practitioners with two or more years’ experience in engagement, or those new to engagement whose role is working in high conflict and high emotion environments. It is suitable for people who need to help inform the organisations strategic response to conflict and/or high emotion.
The aim of the course is to enhance your ability to plan for and implement strategies to manage situations of high emotion and outrage in engagement.
The objectives are to:
- Identify sources of conflict
- Understand and recognise how conflict appears and the factors that contribute to conflict in engagement
- Recognise the impact conflict has on engagement processes
- Understand your own role in conflict, manage your own behaviour and build personal resilience.
You will develop your knowledge of the principles and guidelines associated with managing conflict and high emotion in your engagement practice and how to apply new behaviours and strategies when planning and implementing your engagement projects.
What’s the difference?
How does this course differ to Facing Conflict with IAP2 Australasia?
Manage Conflict for High Emotion supports participants to understand how to assess for conflict and plan for engagement at an organisational level when there is a risk of differences of opinion, high emotion, and/or conflict. Learners receive tools to support the organisation to assess and take a leadership role to prevent and/or mitigate conflict in engagement.
It is suitable for people who need to help inform the organisations strategic response to conflict and/or high emotion.
Facing Conflict focuses on building the individuals capability to work with conflict in engagement processes. This course explores how to recognise different conflict behaviours, and supports the individual to develop the interpersonal and facilitation skills to de-escalate and manage conflict.
It is suitable for people who are working one-to-one with people, project teams or groups in the engagement process.
Why train with IAP2 Australasia
The IAP2 Australasia Certificate of Engagement is increasingly becoming the standard employers look for when hiring community engagement practitioners.
You will gain access to the right tools, resources and proven methods while connecting with other experts and organisations through continuous education with IAP2 Australasia.
IAP2 Australasia provides well-respected and industry-leading training in community and stakeholder engagement. Our training is tailored for all levels of education and experience, from the first time engager to managers and decision makers who benefit from quality engagement processes.
The benefits of IAP2 Australasia training:
- Practical knowledge and theory delivered in an inclusive training environment
- Training is participatory and experiential, with lots of positive interaction between participants from a diverse range of backgrounds
- Materials are contextualised for Australia and New Zealand
- All trainers are experienced trainers AND practitioners, able to reflect on current and real-world examples
- Flexible learning pathways for participants ensuring that all training is relevant and applicable
- Certificate in Engagement is recognised as the standard for engagement professionals
- All participants receive a quality training manual, with access to additional resources via our online forum (where applicable)
- All training delivered in professional training environments, in close proximity to public transport options
Want to know more about our training?
Find out more information on the IAP2A Certificate of Engagement, In-House Training and our Licensed Trainers.
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