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Welcome to IAP2 TV!

IAP2 TV is your area to hear from your fellow engagers, whether it be in our ‘Tales with Giants’ segment with tips and food-for-thought from ‘Giants’ in the industry, or ‘In the Studio’ for a general chat about a particular topic..

We will be bringing you new videos regularly, but for now, take a look at the below from our engagement community.

Stay tuned for more…

Tales with Giants

Wellbeing and the Engagement Practitioner

Episode 1 with Joel Levin

Joel discusses why wellbeing and self-care is particularly important for engagement practitioners, providing his thoughts and advice along with key tips to looking after yourself.

In the studio

Sprints in Community Development

Julia Suh, Paper Plain

Innovation is not a light bulb moment. It is a set of sprints taken to execute an idea. Small Shift and Paper Plain are constantly exploring, validating, invalidating, experimenting, cross-pollinating, pivoting to test and learn. Similarly, if we supported communities to step into power, hustle and contribute – what sort of innovation, civic leadership and courage might we see emerge from self-organisation? Julia shares her thoughts on change in the engagement process, community-led engagement, and her top tips for engagement professionals.

IAP2 Public Participation Spectrum

IAP2A trainer, Helen Christensen

The IAP2 Public Participation Spectrum, a quick explanation with IAP2A Trainer, Helen Christensen.

Feel the burn! Managing burnout as a community engagement practitioner

Rebecca Spencer

Protests, picket lines and personal attacks. Rebecca discusses her thoughts and ideas on reducing and managing burnout amongst engagement practitioners while still ensuring true engagement with our communities.