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Reconciliation Action Plan

IAP2 Australasia is profoundly committed to reconciliation.

As the peak body for engagement across Australasia, we are uniquely placed to support recognition and respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people through listening to them and what they have to say about things that affect them, and that they have a say on things that affect them. We achieve this through their involvement and valued contribution in our RAP working group, formulation of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) strategy, communities of practice, advisory groups and local area networks.

Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan

At IAP2 Australasia, we are deeply committed to the journey of reconciliation. Recognising the importance of fostering meaningful relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, we have embarked on developing a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP). This plan serves as a guiding framework for our organisation, enabling us to build respectful and inclusive partnerships with First Nations communities across Australia.