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All in One Accessibility https://www.skynettechnologies.com/all-in-one-accessibility
Cost Free Trial | Paid

All in One Accessibility is an AI-powered accessibility tool that enables websites to be accessible among people with hearing or vision impairments, motor impairment, color blindness, dyslexia, cognitive & learning impairments, seizure and epileptic, and ADHD problems. It allows users to select the accessibility features as per their needs and peruse the content. The solution takes 2 minutes to install and is designed to reduce the risk of time-consuming accessibility lawsuits. It supports over 140 languages and has add-ons for document and PDF compliance remediation, language translation tailored to accessibility needs, and other customizable features. All in One Accessibility improves accessibility compliance for the standards WCAG 2.0, WCAG 2.1, WCAG 2.2, ADA, Section 508, European EAA EN 301 549, Canada ACA, California Unruh, Israeli Standard 5568, Australian DDA, UK Equality Act, Ontario AODA, France RGAA, German BITV, Brazilian Inclusion law LBI 13.146/2015, Spain UNE 139803:2012, JIS X 8341, Italian Stanca Act, and Switzerland DDA.