Thank You For Coming To the #influlenceengagelead Conference 2015!
A big thank you to those who came to the IAP2 Australasia #influenceengagelead Conference in Perth, October 14-16 2015. Delegates came from New Zealand and every State and Territory in Australia. We were also joined by delegates from South Africa, Canada, USA and Indonesia.
Planning is already underway for the 2016 IAP2 Australasia Leadership Forum to be held in Adelaide, South Australia.
Photos are now online in our Photo Gallery and video footage will be available soon. Presentations will be added to the Members Only Resources section of our website over the coming days (members need to be logged in to access this section of the website).
Thank you to each and every one of our partners, our members and guests for attending and making this one of our best ever conferences. More details next week but here are some snaps from the Conference for those of you who weren’t able to join us.