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IAP2 Australasia Announces New Board for 2012-13

After months of planning, recently we held the Inspire and Energise: 2012 IAP2 Australasia Leadership Forum in Melbourne. And we would like to say thank-you to all the delegates, our sponsors, speakers and facilitators and our wonderful volunteers from the Victorian Sub Committee. And also a big thank you to our office team, who worked tirelessly over the past 6 months to ensure the Forum ran smoothly.

Over the coming weeks we will be preparing an online report from the Leadership Forum. The report will be provided to delegates and will be made available on our website.

We also held our AGM in Melbourne on the Thursday afternoon before the Gala Dinner, which saw the election of our new IAP2 Australasia Board of Management and our Regional Coordinators.

Our new Board is as follows:
President: Carla Leversedge (SA)
Vice President: Lucy Cole Edelstein (NSW)
Secretary: Roger Tweedy (NZ)
Treasurer: Michael Robertson (NSW)
Board Members:
Amanda Newbery (QLD)
Wendy Carlson (NSW)
Nivek Thompson (NSW)
Mark Ritch (VIC)
Tracey Wilson (QLD)
Leanne Hartill (WA)

Our new Regional Coordinators are:
NSW – Grace Illuzzi
ACT – Wendy Russell
Vic – Keith Greaves
SA – Helen Smith
WA – Catherine Atoms
NT – Vacant
Qld – Alice Sherring
NZ – Carol Hayward

Congratulations to our newly elected Board Members and Regional Coordinators