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From the Board

Dear Members,

The IAP2 Australasia Board met in Perth following the very successful Conference which saw 170 delegates from around Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia and Singapore attending. Thank you to all those who attended and presented, we hope your practice has been inspired by this year’s conference.

We welcomed Margaret Harvie and Donna Marshall to the Board and appointed the Chair and Committees:

  • Chair of the Board – Leanne Hartill was appointed for 2016 year.
  • Governance and Finance Committee – Jamie Robertson (Chair), Mandi Davidson and Leanne Hartill. This committee oversees governance, finance, risk, investment, policies, audit and CEO performance.
  • Membership and Events Committee – Krystle Gray (Chair), Keith Greaves and Donna Marshall. This committee oversees member growth and retention, communications, events, local networks, conference, ambassadors and the accreditation/credentialing program.
  • Practice Development Committee – Ray Tye (Chair), Kylie Cochrane and Margaret Harvie. This committee oversees standards, core values awards, research, training and professional development and other avenues for advancing the practice across Australasia.
  • International Representatives – Leanne Hartill and Kylie Cochrane. Australasia has 2 seats on the IAP2 Internatonal Board. This is an operational board that meets bi-monthly via teleconference with our international colleagues. IAP2 International holds the brand and image of IAP2 and holds the key pillars of Public Participation practice – the core values, spectrum, code of ethics and quality assurance standard.

Financial Update
The first quarter has returned a strong result for the Association with a solid cash position and a profit at the end of September of $178,527. This result is driven by membership and training as well as profits from the New Zealand Symposium and Conference. This gave the board confidence in approving the investment in the new Association Software.

Organisational Review
It has now been 4 years since IAP2 introduced a full staffing structure. Since then we have seen significant growth in the Association and we have undertaken a function review of our operations. We have identified the need for a focus on membership and will be recruiting a Membership Officer in the coming months. We will also be undertaking an organisational culture review in the coming months to ensure our foundations are strong to support the continued growth of the Association.

Association Software
You may recall our last update to you mentioned our review of the current management software. The full benefits for members are listed at the end of this update and we will also be calling for a working group to test the software in the coming weeks. To summarise the benefits for members, the new software will provide the following:

  • Member portal to manage your engagement career path
  • Automated processes for New Zealand
  • Member and Provider Directories
  • Ease of process for event, training and conference registrations
  • Responsive design website
  • Segmented marketing and communications
  • Online Forums

We have further scoped this work and the Board approved the investment of $150,000 for the project which will commence in November and will be completed in 2016.

Membership Review
The current membership structure was implemented in 2012 and we have been discussing throughout the year the need to review the structure. The Board confirmed at its May meeting there would be no change to individual memberships at this time, but we will be discussing possible changes with our Corporate members in the coming months. The goal is to ensure we are providing the best value for membership. As always, we welcome any input you may have about how IAP2 Australasia can continue to provide value for your membership.

Standards and Credentialing
We were pleased to launch the International Quality Assurance Standard for Community and Stakeholder Engagement from IAP2 at the Conference. We hope you have downloaded the document and considered how your practice projects align to the standard. Information sessions are being planned to help answer any questions you may have.

We will also be furthering the auditing process in the coming months with our Practice Development Committee.

The Membership Committee will be considering how Credentialing can support the further professionalisation of our practice and we hope to develop a clear program for this in the coming months for your consideration.

Core Values Awards
Congratulations to all this year’s Award winners and highly commended. We look forward to showcasing the winners in future communications and encourage you to download the 2015 Booklet of all International Winners, from the website.

We will be reviewing the Awards program soon with a survey for entrants and those who wanted to enter but didn’t! We hope you will provide your feedback to help us continue to improve this program of recognition for our practice.

Next Meeting

The Board will be meeting via teleconference in December and face to face again in February in Melbourne.

If you have any questions about anything to do with IAP2 Australasia, do not hesitate to contact our CEO on 02 4225 0555 or email ceo@iap2.org.au. Or contact the Board directly on board@iap2.org.au.

Leanne Hartill

On behalf of IAP2 Australasia Board