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2020 Core Values Awards Winner | Planning for 2050

2020 Core Values Awards Winner - City of Sydney

City of Sydney

Commencing in 2018, the City of Sydney undertook an extensive community engagement program to support the development of a new Community Strategic Plan to 2050.

The objectives of the Sydney 2050 engagement were to:

1. Share with the community what we have planned for the decade in Sustainable Sydney 2030 (our current plan) and confirm if we are still heading in the right direction.

2. Share future trends and workshop new ways of thinking about 2050 to inform and identify long-term community values and priorities.

The engagement program needed to capture the breadth of our community – the 1.3 million people who live, work, visit, do business or study in the city every day. It also needed to delve deeply into the challenges of city-making. The process was iterative as we developed a community vision through values, future trends, challenges and ideas for action. Throughout the process, the insights from the community informed the research and vice-versa.


Find out more about the 2020 Core Values Awards winners and finalists in the 2020 showcase booklet.